Newsletter 1/20/20
Hi Everyone,
The next Guitar Pull @ Espresso Joe's is Saturday February 8th
It will feature Alex Julia, Joe Mifsud, and Michael Scoto
The acoustic opener will be The Mighty Alrighty
The show starts at 7pm.
Espresso Joe's is located at 50 West Front Street, in Keyport, NJ.
In addition to an array of beverages & baked good, Espresso Joe's owner is an amazing chef so you can grab dinner while you enjoy the show. And for those with dietary restrictions, there are many vegan & gluten free options.
More info is on
Monday through Thursday Lazlo will be broadcasting live with the following special programming:
Monday @ 7pm - Presents New NJ Music
Tuesday @ 7pm - Lazlo's Den Presents New Music
Listen here:
Latest Updates on
NEW & NOTABLE NJ MUSIC: 1/17/20 - Friar Fritzl's Funtime Monastery, Grin & Bear, Groomers, Taylor Shiroff, Quinn Kennedy, Elementality, Cloverdale, tiyaga, Tilted Balance
Lazlo's Corner
I've mentioned this on Twitter a few times but I don't think I have here, since I tend to mention mostly music related stuff here.
But I know some people who set goals of weight loss as their New Year's resolution, and may already be struggling.
It is not easy. I know because in April of last year I was tired of always feeling lethargic and bleck, and decided to make a change.
I started by walking more, and made it a goal to walk the recommended 10,000 steps a day. At first it was painful, and not at all fun. Over time though, it became such a normal routine &, on most days, became pretty easy. 9 months later, and most days I walk over 13,000 steps and enjoy it. In nice weather I get to walk around neighborhoods & nature, & in lousy weather I walk on a glider in my basement while watching TV or movies (I find watching the news is a wonderful motivator to move faster to work out my frustration of how messed up our world is).
As I started getting more energy from exercising daily, I also found myself more interested in cooking again. Years ago as a vegetarian I had become lazy and was eating a lot of the "mock meat" products (Beyond Burgers, Gardien & Morningstar Farms meatless products), not really thinking about how over processed these foods are and the extremely high amounts of sodium in them. I slowly started cutting out the meatless products for more fresh vegetables, with sauces & seasoning I make myself from low/no sugar or sodium sources.
The combination of exercising and changing my eating habits made me feel better/healthier than I have in a long time.
My goal when I started was not to lose weight, but when you make those 2 changes, and stick with them, the weight started to come off. In 9 months I have lost over 50 pounds.
I'm saying all this not because I want to brag, I don't, but I do want to motivate those looking for motivation.
You can lose weight if you are trying to, but you have to make changes and stick to them. Start slow and build your way up. Set really simple, short-term attainable goals, and when you reach them use that feeling to keep yourself motivated to attain your next goal.
And if you are not trying to lose weight, but say, your New Year's Resolution was to work on new music, or meet new people, or whatever it is, the same applies. Set small attainable goals and slowly build up to the final goal.
Nothing changes overnight, and if you push yourself to try to do it that way, you're going to get frustrated & give up.
Take it slow. Stay motivated. Good luck!
This week on Presents New NJ Music we have new music from:
Groomers - "Ghostwrite My Selfie" from "Sad Libs"
Cloverdale - "Mourn" from "All I'll Ever Be - EP"
Controlled Chaos - "Staple" from "Animals"
Friar Fritzl's Funtime Monastery - "All That's Left (All That's Right)" from "Friar Fritzl's Funtime Monastery Presents: Friar Fritzl's First Time EP"
Boxcar Hex - "I Ain't" from "I Ain't [single]"
Elementality - "Autumn Leaves" from "Autumn Leaves [single]"
Grin & Bear - "First Reaction" from "Be Gentle"
Tilted Balance - "End Up This Way" from "Reliable"
Quinn Kennedy - "Modernity" from "Inward Disposition"
Taylor Shiroff - "Feeling" from "Desert Fathers"
Fairmont - "Suicide Is Painless" from "Songs From The Radio"
Jeremy Milligan - "Garden State" from "Garden State"
tiyaga - "Landline" from "Evergreen (Demo)"
Audi Meae - "Human" from "Human [single]"
Yellowbird - "Wave Of Love" from "Solace"
Super Soaker - "Forget Toronto" from "Forget Toronto / Having Smokes" Presents New NJ Music airs Monday @ 7pm
Listen here:
See playlist (with links to all the acts) here:
This week on Lazlo's Den Presents New Music we have new music from:
The Drowns - "Wastin' Time" from "Under Tension"
Frontier Folk Nebraska - "Teenge Freaks" from "Freaks"
Anti-Flag - "Don't Let The Bastrds Get You Down" from "20/20 Vision"
Devon Gilfillian - "Get Out And Get It" from "Black Hole Rainbow"
Prism Tats - "Mania" from "Mania [single]"
Steve Mason - "Like A Ripple" from "Coup detat"
Nathaniel Rateliff - "And It's Still Alright" from "And It's Still Alright"
A Girl Called Eddy - "Jody" from "Been Around"
Frazey Ford - "Azad" from "Azad [single]"
Basia Bulat - "Your Girl" from "Are You In Love?"
Sour Widows - "Pilot Light" from "Pilot Ligt [single]"
Bandaid Brigade - "Travel Light" from "I'm Seperate"
Terrorists Of Romance - "Always Choose Wrong" from "After You Left"
THICK - "5 Years Behind" from "5 Years Behind"
Lazlo's Den Presents New Music airs Tuesday @ 7pm
Listen here:
See playlist (with links to all the acts) here:
That's all for this week folks.