Broadcast live on our station 6/3/24 @ 7pm ET

The Hard Maybes - "Ding Dong Ditch" from "Thank You, I Think?"
sam duke - "Note to my Subconcious" from "Non Prophet"
Regency Club - "Never Knows Best" from "Moth Music"
Greg McGarvey - "Laze Away" from "Crickets Surround"
Aaron Pinto - "Few and Far Between" from "Aaron Pinto"
Jacob Chacko - "Journeyman's Tale" from "Journeyman's Tale [single]"
Glenn Brennan - "Our Cabin By The Sea" from "Our Cabin By The Sea [single]"
Jason Didner - "Unicorn Uniform" from "Digital Carnival"
Matthew Mirliani - "What's This Street Called?" from "What's This Street Called? [single]"
Fear Of Falling - "Thursday's Letter" from "Speak Low"
King Tortis - "Lately" from "The Summit"
Sad About Girls - "No Peace in Sleep" from "Sad to Go"
Still Ghost - "Jack's Calling" from "Ascension"
Indeyevid - "Leech" from "Leech [single]"
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